the skin designer told me that i would have my eyeballs screwed out if i remove the credits ^^ 

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Your tagboard codes here.

coding by mothersound
skin by robox
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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hey guys!! sorry havent been here for along time!! anyways hows exams for you guys?? I confirm fail maths one!! Soo sad no tution :( Hope you guys figure a way to tell your parents your marks! And Dont forget Astro night! Anyways thats all i have to say!! Bye yall!!

Signing off:Kiwi/leia pigs:8)

"Paramore - Misery Business"
Friday, January 8, 2010

WOW! im already primary six in a blink of an eye! Im kind of freaked out about PSLE becase the teachers been talking about it since day one. And obviosly they are going to continue it till there are no more stupid exams which is still a long way to go. The enviorment that we are adapting now is like everyone has to be the best in everything and to do that we have to be doing work every day.Sometimes i have that kind of mood but sometimes it just drops so im in a mood of just laying down on the bed and do nothing but sleep all day long.I hate the part of waking up in the morning but it givs us the priviledg to sleep in the afternoon offcores.

This is leiapigs sighning out!
bye! :)

"Paramore - Misery Business"
Monday, December 7, 2009
he is soo hot!

you should see this pi! its from fan boys the movie! his name is windows!

"Paramore - Misery Business"
Friday, November 13, 2009

Today was sooo fun!! i went out with idriani, dini , naufal, Iylia and hafiz to the arced and we played like hell!! And the most number of times the game we played was basket ball!! 8) hope we could go out agaimn sometimes!

"Paramore - Misery Business"
Thursday, November 5, 2009

This goes to all my friends! 8)

"Paramore - Misery Business"

HI! i deleted the other blog cos it was a mess! anyways, exams was realy hard but i got all a B for my subjects except for maths(got a D) . im never gonna get an a for maths surely!

"Paramore - Misery Business"